Film & Video Joe's work concerns; urban Irish culture, social justice issues, relating to housing and drug misuse, visual arts, social geography and contemporary dance

Trailer Fortunes Wheel documentary film 2015 directed by Joe Lee
Barracks Square Estate directed by film maker Joe Lee is a feature length documentary that presents an extraordinary story of...
Sean (John Cronin) who lives in London receives news from his father (Tom Lawlor) in rural Ireland that Osobe (Togo...
Joe 4321 is an experimental art video drawn from video material originally recorded in the 1980s and filmed in Northstrand,...
This video includes curator Catherine Marshall talking with George McClelland about the Colin Middleton exhibition in the Gordan Lambert Gallery...
Arts, Recent Work
The Area is a 25 minute dance film directed by Joe Lee and Rionach Ni Neill. It was made with...
All, TV, Documentary & Drama
Redemption story about former Limerick criminal Mike Kelly.The film portrays describes Kelly's early chaotic and violent life and his decent into a life of violent criminality and alcoholism, his slow recovery and redemption.
All, Arts
'He Loves Me He Loves Me Not' video art installation relates a selection of stories from women about how their partners first became violent towards them.

All, Arts, Recent Work, TV, Documentary & Drama
The documentary presents the history of the North West Inner City in the context of recent redevelopment and regeneration of the area. The film explores the history of markets and street trading and presents a detailed account of the conflict between women street traders and the city authorities during the 1980s while inner city areas were engulfed in a heroin epidemic.
All, Arts, Social Economy
'Unspoken Truths' is a film that documents an arts project that explored the lives of women from Dublin's North and South Inner city. It was made with the Education and Community Department of the Irish Museum of Modern Art, 32 women and the artist Ailbhe Murphy.

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'One Day Time' is about a day in the life of a young Dublin man from Ballymun (Eddie played by Gregg Gough) who is unemployed. It explores Eddie's difficulties in dealing with family and friends and his sense of isolation and anxiety about finding his place in the world as he passes yet another seemingly pointless day.
All, Arts, Social Economy
Video Art Installation that explores the issue of violence against women
Arts, TV, Documentary & Drama
The film explores the story of the Contemporary Irish Arts Society established in 1962 to support artists and increase awareness about the value of contemporary arts practice. The context for the film is SIAR50 exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern Art held between Nov 2005 and February 2006.
Arts, Social Economy
'Inside Out Outside In', Stories from O'Devaney Gardens is a 40 minute documentary about life and change in O'Devaney Gardens in Dublin's North West Inner City in the context of a planned regeneration of the area.

'Paul Seawright, Voice Our Concern Artist's Lecture 2010' is a 40 minute illustrated artists lecture by the artist photographer Paul Seawright given in the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) in November 2010.
Arts, Recent Work, Social Economy
'Taking Stock' traces the stories of local Inchicore drug users, their decent into addiction, the impact on their loved ones and their struggles to overcome addiction. The film highlights the importance the Inchicore Community Team plays in supporting local people deal with the impact of drug abuse in their lives.
Recent Work, Social Economy
The story of the Citywide organisation and the evolving drugs problem in Dublin and Ireland from the early 1980s to 2012.
Arts, Social Economy
The film charts the fortunes of St Michael's Estate in Inchicore, in its thirty year history since 1970 in the context of a planned redevelopment and regeneration for a beleaguered and vulnerable community.
'Dark Room' video installation tells the story of the impact of drugs on individuals and the community of St Michael's Estate and Inchicore.
Arts, TV, Documentary & Drama
Hindesight is a 40 minute arts documentary that explores the life, photographic work and iconic postcard images of John Hinde on the occasion of a retrospective exhibition of his work in the Irish Museum of Modern Art in 1993.
The story behind the public art project 'Between Earth Sky and Home' exploring life in the Dublin suburb of Clondalkin with fourteen local young people, four professional dancers, choreographer/director Ríonach Ní Néill and artist Fiona Delaney.
All, Arts, TV, Documentary & Drama
'Heartfield' is a 40 minute documentary about German graphic artist John Heartfield who is thought by many to be the father of photomontage. The film explores his work and life story.